
Monday, August 5, 2019


Hey and Welcome to the next Lesson.

Guys, I have a confession to make…

I didn’t like the Miles Morales movie.

I know, I know, it’s sacrilegious, but hear me out.

In 2017, we were greeted to our first Miles Morales experience on the big screen and, it was kind of a big deal as it was, yet again, another new interpretation of Spider-Man, but as I was watching it, I couldn’t help but feel annoyed and, in a way, hurt.

From its questionable canon to its downright disappointing choices in narration, that movie was just downright upsetting at times.

But the worst part, the absolute WORST SIN this movie committed was MILES MORALES WASN’T EVEN IN IT.

I’m talking, of course, about Spider-Man: Homecoming.

What? You thought I meant Spider-Verse?

That movie is a masterpiece, what are you insane?

Now, don’t get me wrong, that’s not to say this movie is bad. It isn’t. In fact, there are genuine moments where I can do nothing but smile at what’s on screen.

Hell, ever since the Marvel Cinematic Universe launched, it’s been known to take a great deal of its stories from the Ultimate line of Marvel Comics: Nick Fury’s design, the first Avengers film had countless callbacks, Hawkeye’s kids (and their fates, unfortunately), hell even Iron Man’s suit in this film is paying homage to the Ultimate suit.

So, taking inspiration is nothing new, but this is borderline plagiarism.

Peter Parker is not Miles Morales. Each have their respective stories and each deserve their own credit, but Miles more so.

Miles made his debut in 2011 and was met with overwhelming negativity at the thought of a Black kid replacing Peter Parker. Yet, through all the hate, rants and speculation Miles proved he was here to stay. Additionally, it felt amazing (ha!) to have a Spider-Man with more diversity.

Which is why it hurts so much to see so much more to see such blatant rip-offs of Miles’ story.

Don’t believe me, just watch!

Ned Leeds / Ganke Lee

This one is easy.

Jacob Batalon is already perfect casting and even plays his role with flying colors. He’s also just two shades darker than Ganke Lee, Miles’ best friend. It’s not even subtle how closely they made Ned into Lee. It’s just sad knowing we’ll never get that awesome bromance in the MCU.

Now, Spider-Verse 2…

Suit from Stark/Shield

When Miles started out, he had a Halloween costume of Spider-Man. It isn’t until later on both he and Peter got their suit from S.H.I.E.L.D. or, in Peter’s case, Tony Stark. It’s a real bummer because it takes away from Peter building his own suit without the bells and whistles of an Iron Man suit. This does look to be rectified in Far From Home, but here?

Not a chance.

Villain is girlfriend’s Dad

No one can say they didn’t audibly gasp when it’s revealed that Vulture is Liz’s dad in Homecoming. It was a genuine shock that didn’t at all seem pandered or too easy to figure out…which is why it’s such a bothersome thing knowing Miles went through that, too, with his then-girlfriend Kate Bishop.
While in the comics, it’s revealed her father is a Hydra agent, it’s no less apparent where this particular nugget gets its inspiration from.

While not many, true, it does show when clear cut parts of Miles’ canon are taken to use for Peter’s. It’s like letting this character go through backlash just to let Peter come in and take his glory. Peter has countless stories over the 70+ years he’s been in comics, both mainstream and Ultimate – take inspiration from his own line of canon.

We know he’s got plenty to spare.

And this is one Clone Conspiracy I hope never happens again.

Well, that’s all for now. So, until the MCU stops or I get bit by a radioactive spider, I’ll see you for the next lesson.

Until then, class dismissed!



Now with that outta the way, hey and Welcome to the next Lesson.

Comic-Con was just a few short weeks ago and it’s easy to say Marvel absolutely dominated this year. Kevin Fiege took center stage and they unveiled the projects they have set for what they’re dubbing Phase 4.

While most titles are worth a looksee, what caught my attention was what wasn’t seen.


Now back at home with Marvel, there’s a solid chance that we’ll finally get the first family done properly, but not only done properly done better than we could ever imagine.

With the Mad Titan, Thanos, now defeated, the MCU effectively doesn’t have a major villain for the Avengers to defeat…

...or do they?

It’s widely known that MCU films are taking inspiration from the ULTIMATE line of comics and on that Earth, the Fantastic 4 are very, VERY different.

Namely, Reed Richards.

While most may know him as Mr. Fantastic, in the ULTIMATE COMICS, he’s The Maker, by far one of comics’ worst villains, PERIOD.

Not only is his skin elastic-like, making physical damage an impossibility, but with a brain like his, he’s able to make anything anyone can think of, and everything they can’t. He made creations that even put Thor to shame.

Reed Richards of Earth-1610 is NOTHING to trifle with…which is EXACTLY why the MCU needs to make him their next villain and something tells me they already are.

JONATHAN HICKMAN, writer of Marvel Comics fame, has had a plethora of titles underneath his belt one of them most notably being Secret Wars (2015).

If you’re familiar with that story, you’d know he had a great deal to do with the fate of the Fantastic Four, of both Earths. Now, Marvel contacted him to course correct the condition of the X-Men in their comics with two new ongoing titles: “House of X” and “Powers of X”, and he had a few choice words to say when it came to the Marvel films, too.

“I think one of the big mistakes that some people make at Marvel Comics is that we are reactive to what they’re doing in the Marvel films… We should not be taking our creative cues from the direction they’re taking things in the movies. That kind of defeats the point. My argument has been [that] I should always be way out in front of that stuff. All of that stuff is being drawn from source material.”Jonathan Hickman 2019

While not a confirmation, Hickman does have a point. Marvel Comics showed signs of decrease in sales after modeling the Guardians of the Galaxy after their MCU counterparts.

It’s always better to model the films after the comics.

Which is why Reed would make the PERFECT villain.

Unlike Thanos, Richards doesn’t need Infinity Gems to unleash universal domination. Sheer brainpower alone has made him a far bigger threat. Not only can he create devices that can depower our heroes, but he can even expand his brain for even greater intellect.

Whatever plan, strategy or potential outcome Thanos could come up with, there’s no doubt Reed has already factored it, found out why it wouldn’t work but built a contingency for it just in case.

Reed Richards, or rather the Maker, would be the posterchild for a tragedy of a fallen hero, always wanting to be good, but never good enough and while a lot of Phase 4 is uncertain, I can’t wait to see what becomes of Marvel’s future foundation.

Well, that’s all for now. So, until the Disney stops making Live-Action remakes or I get as smart as Reed Richards, I’ll see you for the next lesson.

Until then, class dismissed!